
The Morning Routine That Can Help Busy Moms Reduce Stress

As a busy mom, it’s easy to feel like stress is just another part of your daily routine. What if you added a morning routine that could work on calming that stress, reducing that feeling of a puffy face and bloated stomach?

Let's get right to it cause if you are a busy mom like myself you have no time for scrolling!

And please note that I am an Amazon Associate so I have linked the products I use and buy myself.

The first thing is a morning drink: 1/2 squeezed lemon to water with 1-2 scoop of electrolytes. There are SO MANY electrolytes out there, this is the brand I choose and recommend. It does not taste good on its own hence the lemon water mix! See a video of how I do it HERE.

Morning drink recipe:

Right after have a high protein breakfast, such as this one HERE (recipe below) or HERE or HERE

High Protein Smoothie:

Mix in a Nutribullet or Ninjabullet:

Let me break it down for you WHY this works wonders! And spoiler alert what it does to me is it takes my puffy face away, feeling of bloated tummy away AND makes me calmer due to the protein, as well as it keeps me full till noon!

Lemon Water 

Starting your day with a glass of lemon water might seem simple, but it can have a profound impact on how you feel. Lemon water hydrates your body after a night’s sleep and helps flush out toxins that can exacerbate stress. The fresh, citrusy flavor can also wake up your senses and get your digestive system moving, helping you feel more grounded and ready to take on the day.


When you’re constantly in fight-or-flight mode, your body’s electrolyte balance can get thrown off, leading to symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, and even more stress. By replenishing these essential minerals first thing in the morning, you’re giving your body the support it needs to relax and reduce that ever-present feeling of being on edge.

High Protein 

A protein-rich breakfast, particularly one with 30 grams of protein, is a great way to start your day. Not only does it help stabilize your blood sugar, preventing those mid-morning crashes that can trigger anxiety and irritability, but it also fuels your brain for better focus and clarity. It’s like giving yourself the best chance to stay calm and centered as you navigate your busy day.

Why This Routine Works

By nurturing your body with these simple yet powerful morning habits, you’re setting the tone for a day that feels more manageable and less overwhelming. You’re stepping out of survival mode and into a place where you can thrive, not just get by.

For me, this routine has made a huge difference in how I manage stress. It’s a small puzzle piece that fits into the larger picture of well-being, but it’s one that can have a significant impact on your overall health and happiness.

If you’re looking to lower your stress levels, try incorporating these two habits into your morning routine and see how it may transforms your day (at least your morning!).

Let me know if this works for you as well!